Course catalog

Since September 2013, EMINES - School of Industrial Management has been offering undergraduate and graduate academic programs.
To date, the EMINES - School of Industrial Management consists of:
- An Integrated Preparatory Cycle, lasting two years, open to competition after the baccalaureate.
- An Engineering Cycle, lasting three years, open to competition after a preparatory scientific class, a scientific license, or through its Integrated Preparatory Cycle.
- A Specialized Master's degree, co-graduated with the Ecole des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech), for a period of one year, open to competition after a BAC + 5 diploma or a BAC + 4 with professional experience.
- An Industrial PhD, lasting four years, open to competition after a BAC + 5 diploma.
- Executive education courses for companies, built both from training modules open to continuing education and from tailored programs.