Industrial management research center

Today, the field of industrial and logistics management is in full evolution in its content, in its limits, in its borders, in time and in space.
The research activities of EMINES - School of Industrial Management are therefore interested in the study of industrial and logistic systems and the improvement of the processes they implement.
In this broad systemic approach, a process is a set of activities, using resources, that transform incoming elements into outgoing elements. These processes can be physical (transformation of raw materials into finished products), informational (data processing to extract useful information), decision-making (collection and processing of information to make a decision).
Today, this field is in full evolution in its content, in its limits, in its borders, in time and in space. Under the combined pressure of different evolutions linked, among others, to the volatility of commodity prices, the energy mix, information technologies, the environmental dimension and the financialization of the economy, the expansion of its traditional perimeter is undergoing a change of pace.
The growth of this field questions the areas of research and organizations’ actions as well as methodologies and decision support tools equally pertinent to evaluate the relevance of these new structures and the opportunities offered by new processes of production in the broad sense or by new economic models.
The research projects of EMINES - School of Industrial Management seek to solve the new problems posed to companies in the field of industrial and logistics management.
This so-called "oriented" or "partnership" research is carried out within the framework of research contracts, industrial chairs, or expertise.
research themes
To date, EMINES- School of Industrial Management has launched research projects on the following themes:
- Hybrid industrial and logistics chains: research work on the harmonization between the strategic control and control of hybrid industrial and logistics chains, where the creation of value is complex.
- Lean mining: research work on the construction of a global approach reconciling the specificities of the extractive and primary processing sector, the dimensions of sustainable development and the basic principles of lean management.
- Network of African hubs: research on the principles of regional logistics hub creation in Africa.
- Smart urban logistics: research work on the sustainable integration of people and goods flow management in the creation of new cities in the South.
- Management of innovation in process industries: monitoring work on the creation of a collaborative platform on the management of innovation and technology in the process industries.
research team
The research activities of EMINES in Industrial Management are based on the following principal research professors:
- Professor Vincent GIARD (Affiliated with EMINES and head of the preparatory year of the Industrial PhD, Professor Emeritus in Management at Paris-Dauphine University, Associate of the Faculty of Law (Management Sciences), 1977; PhD in Economics at Paris I University, 1973, Graduate of the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (IEP), 1968).
- Dr. Frédéric FONTANE (Full Professor at EMINES, Director of Education and Research at EMINES, Responsible for the Production and Logistics System option at Ecole des Mines de Paris, PhD in Management Sciences, ESSEC PhD, University of Aix-Marseille, 1999, DEA of Industrial Engineering, University Paris 1 La Sorbonne, 1994, Engineer, specialization "Automatic - Electronics - Computer Science", INSA Toulouse, 1991).
- Professor Pierre FENIES (Affiliated Professor at EMINES, Professor of Management Sciences at Paris Ouest University Nanterre La Défense, Associate of Management Sciences, 2011, Graduate of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, 1998).
- Professor Thomas LAGER (Prof. Affiliated with UM6P and specialized in innovation management in process industries, PhD in Business Administration & Economics from Luleå University of Technology in 2002 and a PhD in Mineral Processing of Luleå University of Technology in 1989).
- Professor Nicolas CHEIMANOFF (Full Professor at EMINES, Director of EMINES - School of Industrial Management, former Director of Education at Ecole des Mines de Paris from 2001 to 2013, former Director of the Center of Geotechnical and Exploitation of Subsoil from 1990 to 2001. Professor in Management of Underground Spaces at Ecole des Mines de Paris since 1995, graduated from Ecole Polytechnique (class of 1981) and holder of a DEA (1985) and a Ph.D. in Techniques and Economics of Subsoil Exploitation (1988).
- Professor Bernard GRABOT (Professor Affiliated with EMINES, Professor of Universities, ENIT of Tarbes, he is Chief of the IFAC journal "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence" and belongs to the editorial board of the following scientific journals "International Journal of Production Research "And" International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research ").
- Professor Nikolay TCHERNEV (Professor Affiliated with EMINES, Professor of Universities, University School of Management, University of Auvergne, Clermont 1, Clermont Ferrand, France Member of LIMOS - UMR CNRS 6158)
- Professor Anouar JAMALI (Affiliated with EMINES, Director, SNTL Innovation Center)
- Professor Selwa FIRDOUSSI (Teacher-Researcher at EMINES, PhD in Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics at Engineering Sciences of Cadi Ayyad University 2015)
To this team of research professors are added the 20 students enrolled in the Industrial PhD program (described below):
- Kawtar RETMI (4th year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, co-enrolled to a PhD at Hassan II University and Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University, graduated from the Ecole des Ingénieurs de Genève 2009; Ms in business management from HEC Geneva 2012
- Ahlam AZZAMOURI (4th year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, doctoral student at Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University, graduated from ENSEM in Industrial Engineering 2014)
- Imane ESSAADI (4th year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, PhD at Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, graduated from EMI in Industrial Engineering 2014)
- Sabah BELIL (3rd year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, doctoral student at the University of Clermont- Auvergne, graduated from ENSEM in Industrial Engineering 2015)
- Meryem BAMOUMEN (1st year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, graduated from EMI in Mechanical Engineering)
- Latifa BENHAMOU (1st year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, Graduate of ENSA Agadir in Industrial Engineering)
- Asma Rakiz (1st year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, Graduate of EMI in Industrial Engineering)
- Mouna BAMOUMEN (1st year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, Graduate of EMI in Industrial Engineering)
- Hajar HILALI (1st year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, graduated from Mines Rabat in Industrial Engineering)
- Najat BARA (1st year of Industrial PhD at EMINES, Graduate of EMI in Industrial Engineering)
- Faissal SEHBAOUI (1st year of PhD Industrial at EMINES, Graduate of Ecole Centrale, Lyon)
- Najoua ALAOUI (PhD Candidate, Graduate of ESITH in Industrial Engineering)
- Hamza BOUZEKRI (PhD Candidate, Graduate of Rabat Mines in Industrial Management)
- Osama KAJJOUNE (PhD Candidate, graduated from ENSIAME - Valenciennes)
- Mohamed Nour KITRI (PhD Candidate, graduate of EMINES Supply Chain Management option)
- Othmane LABIED (PhD Candidate, graduated from Mines Rabat in soil and subsoil development and exploitation)
scientific production
Vincent Giard, Methodological problems raised by the valorization systems in industrial management. in Images of logistics - managerial and societal lighting. Aix Marseille University Press, October 2017 (provisional version)
Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane and Vincent Giard, Modelling the tactical decisions for open-pit-mines, International Journal of Production Research. (
Imane Essaadi, Bernard Grabot, Pierre Féniès, Design of hybrid multimodal logistic hub network with postponement strategy, APMS 2107 (Advances in Production Management Systems), 3-7 september 2017 Hamburg,Germany (provisional version)
Vincent Giard, Methodological problems in defining costs used in industrial management decision models, IESM 2017 (7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management), Saarbrücken 11-13 october 2017, in proceedings, published in Springer, p..443-448. (provisional version) in Cahier de recherche 376 du LAMSADE.
IESM 2017 (7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management) A MILP for strategic planning of production-inventory network manufacturing bulk materials, S.Belil , S.Kemmoe-Tchomté, and N. Tchernev, pp. 480-485, Saarbrücken, Germany, 11-13 octobre 2017.
ICTO2017 (Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society) , Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Selwa Elfirdoussi, Vincent Giard. Nanterre, 16-17 march 2017 "Interactive Scheduling Decision Support System: case study for fertilizer production on supply chain » to appear in “Digital Innovation for a better life and a better world” published by Springer in the series "Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation (LNISO)".
IESM 2017 (7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management). Methodological problems in defining costs used in industrial management decision models (provisional version in Cahier de recherche 376 du LAMSADE), Vincent Giard. Saarbrücken 11-13 october 2017.
Dynamic blending as a source of flexibility and efficiency in controlling phosphate supply chain, Ahlam Azzaouri & Vincent Giard Cahier de recherche 381 du LAMSADE, 2017.
IMS 2016 (Intelligent Manufacturing System). Location of logistics hubs at national and subnational level with consideration of the structure of the location choice, Imane Essaadi, Bernard Grabot, Pierre Fénies, 05-06 December 2016 Austin (Texas). IFAC-PapersOnLine 49, 155–160 (provisional version)
RIRL2016, (11th conference of the International Meeting on Research in Logistics). Definition of a Decision Support System for order scheduling on the lines of the fertilizer workshop Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane and Vincent Giard, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 september 2016 (provisional version)
RIRL2016, (11th conference of the International Meeting on Research in Logistics). An approach for a Lean Mining Manager: Implementation on the OCP supply chain Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 september 2016 (provisional version)
RIRL2016, (11th conference of the International Meeting on Research in Logistics). Analytical Mapping of Academic Research on Hubs . Imane Essaadi, Vincent Giard, Bernard Grabot. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 september 2016 (provisional version)
RIRL2016, (11th conference of the International Meeting on Research in Logistics).. Construction d’un contrôle de gestion opérationnel pour une chaîne logistique continue ou hybride (Construction of operational management control for a continuous or hybrid logistics chain) Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, 7-9 september 2016 (provisional version)
ILS 2016 (6th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain) A DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and availability constraints, Vincent Giard, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, 1-4 juin 2016, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux (provisional version)
ILS 2016 (6th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain) Building an operational controlling system for continuous or hybrid supply chains. Pierre Fenies, Kawtar. Retmi, Janah Saadi and Vincent Giard. 1-4 June 2016, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux.
A DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and proximate supply chain constraints, Ahlam Azzaouri, Imane Essaadi, Pierre Fénies, Fréderic Fontane, Vincent Giard. Cahier de recherche 375 du LAMSADE, 2016.
CIGI2015 11th International Congress of Industrial Engineering, Propositions de règles de modélisation pour une simulation discrète d’une chaîne logistique hybride (Proposed modeling rules for discrete simulation of a hybrid supply chain) (communication n° 29). Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi, Université Laval (Québec), october 26 – 28, 2015 (provisional version)
CIGI2015 11th International Congress of Industrial Engineering,Évaluation de la performance économique d’une chaîne logistique hybride (Evaluating the economic performance of a hybrid supply chain ) (communication n° 109). Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi. Université Laval (Québec), october 26-28, 2015 (provisional version)
APMS 2014 (Advances in Production Management Systems, sous le patronage de l’International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). General Use of the Routing Concept for Supply Chain Modeling Purposes: The Case of OCP S.A, Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi. in Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World, Grabot, B., Vallespir, B., Samuel, G., Bouras, A., Kiritsis, D. (Eds.), pp. 323-333, Springer. Ajaccio. september 20-24, 2014 (provisional version)
MOSIM 2014 (10th International Conference on Modeling Optimization & Simulation). Généralisation du concept de gamme pour modéliser les processus logistiques d’une supply chain : le cas de l’OCP. (Generalization of the concept of range to model the logistic processes of a supply chain: the case of the OCP.) Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadinovembre 5-7, 2014 (provisional version)
3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry SYMPHOS May 18 – 20, 2015 (Marrakech); Managing Innovation & Technology in the Process Industries: Current practices and future perspectives, Thomas Lager.
22nd EurOMA Conference (European Operations Management Association) June 26 – July 1, 2015 Neuchatel, Switzerland; Bridging the R&D – Manufacturing interface: the case of packaging innovation at Nestlé, Gamal, R.(Nestlé), and Lager, T.
R&D Management Conference (RADMA) 23 – 26 June, 2015 Pisa, Italy, Instituto di Management, Scuola Superiore Sant´Anna. From customer understanding to product understanding: the case of fuzzy front end innovation at the LKAB company, Tottie, M. (LKAB); Lager, T. (EMINES); Nordqvist, S. (Luleå University of Technolohy).
APMS 2014 International Conference – Advances in Production Management Systems ( Under the patronage of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP (september 20-24, 2014). General Use of the Routing Concept for Supply Chain Modeling Purposes: The Case of OCP S.A, Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
MOSIM 2014 10th International Conference on Modeling Optimization & Simulation (, (novembre 5-7, 2014), Généralisation du concept de gamme pour modéliser les processus logistiques d’une supply chain : le cas de l’OCP (Generalization of the concept of range to model the logistic processes of a supply chain: the case of the OCP.) . Authors : Mohammed Degoun, Amar Drissi, Pierre Fenies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry SYMPHOS May 18 – 20, 2015 (Marrakech); Managing Innovation & Technology in the Process Industries: Current practices and future perspectives, Thomas Lager.
22nd EurOMA Conference (European Operations Management Association) June 26 – July 1, 2015 Neuchatel, Switzerland; Bridging the R&D – Manufacturing interface: the case of packaging innovation at Nestlé, Gamal, R.(Nestlé), and Lager, T.
R&D Management Conference (RADMA) 23 – 26 June, 2015 Pisa, Italy, Instituto di Management, Scuola Superiore Sant´Anna. From customer understanding to product understanding: the case of fuzzy front end innovation at the LKAB company, Tottie, M. (LKAB); Lager, T. (EMINES); Nordqvist, S. (Luleå University of Technolohy).
Congrès International Congress of Industrial Engineering, Laval University (Québec), october 26 - 28 , 2015, Propositions de règles de modélisation pour une simulation discrète d’une chaîne logistique hybride (Proposed modeling rules for a discrete simulation of a hybrid supply chain), Communication n° 29 ; Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Université Laval (Québec), october 26 – 28, 2015), Évaluation de la performance économique d’une chaîne logistique hybride (Evaluating the economic performance of a hybrid supply chain). Communication n° 109, Mohammed Degoun, Pierre Fénies, Vincent Giard, Kawtar Retmi, Janah Saadi.
ILS Conference 2016, June 1-4, 2016, Kedge Business School Campus, A DSS approach for heterogeneous parallel machines scheduling with due windows, processor-&-sequence-dependent setup and availability constraints, Vincent Giard, Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi (accepted).
International Meeting on research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Conference RIRL 2016, september 7-9 2016, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Définition d’un Système d’Aide à la Décision d’ordonnancement des commandes sur les lignes de l’atelier d’engrais (Definition of a Decision Support System for order scheduling on the lines of the fertilizer workshop), Ahlam Azzamouri, Imane Essaadi, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane, Vincent Giard (accepted).
International Meeting on research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Conference RIRL 2016, september 7-9 2016, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Méthodologie d’application du Lean mining responsable : mise en œuvre sur la Supply Chain de l’OCP (Responsible Lean Mining Application Methodology: Implementation on the OCP Supply Chain), Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fenies, Frédéric Fontane (accepted)
Application development in the process industries; Lager, T. (EMINES). Journal of Business Chemistry; 2014, Vol. 11, Iss.3 (October)
Application development: A strategic corporate innovation activity in the process industries; Storm, P. (KTH) and Lager, T. (EMINES). International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning ; 2015, Issue 2; Vol 10
Open Innovation and Open Production: A Case of a Technology Supplier/User Collaboration in the Process Industries Lager, T. (EMINES), Tano, K. (LKAB) and Anastasijevic, N. (Outotech) International Journal of Innovation Management; 2015, Vol. 19, No. 2 (April)
Ahlam Azzamouri, Pierre Fénies, Frédéric Fontane et Vincent Giard, Modelling the tactical decisions for open-pit-mines, in collaboration with , Cahier de recherche 380 du LAMSADE. Version revised on second submission in the International Journal of Production Research