
Business immersion of 40 weeks minimum for all students |
- 1st year of the engineering cycle
- o a worker internship (4 weeks in a company)
- o Industrial visits as part of the Industrial Management Initiation modules (IMI - 1 week of visits)
- o an observation internship in Geology (1 week field-work)
- 2nd year of the engineering cycle
- o a shadowing internship (1 week in a company accompanying a manager)
- o a research internship (12 weeks minimum in an academic or industrial laboratory abroad)
- 3rd year of the engineering cycle
- o Industrial audit (2 weeks in business)
- o Optional industrial visits (1 to 3 weeks of field-work depending on the chosen option)
- o Option work (18 weeks in a company)
- Gap year: optional long internship between 2nd and 3rd year