National and International accreditation

At the national level, EMINES - School of Industrial Management and its trainings benefit from the following elements of recognition:
- School authorization N ° 404/13 of 28/11/2014
- Authorization of the Industrial Management program (Integrated Preparatory Cycle and Engineering Cycle) n ° 02/1528 of 03/06/2015
- Accreditation of the Industrial Management program (Integrated Preparatory Cycle and Engineering Cycle) n ° 02/1626 of 23/06/2015
- Mohammed VI Polytechnic University benefits from a Public-Public Partnership (PPP) by order of the MESRSFC of May 2015, which authorizes the principle of Recognition by the State
- Request for Recognition by the State of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (which will lead to diploma equivalence with State Degrees) filed on March 31, 2016.
At the international level, EMINES - School of Industrial Management and its trainings benefit from the following elements of recognition:
- Accreditation of the MILEO Specialized Master, diploma at Bac +6, co-diploma with the Ecole des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech), the Conference of Grandes Ecoles in France by the June 2014 session.
- The application for accreditation of the Industrial Management (Integrated Preparatory Cycle and Engineering Cycle) by the French Engineering Commission (CTI) will be formulated in 2017, when the first students will have graduated.